Pizzabot Gamesalad game on Irish TV
Just watched an interview with a kid, Harry Moran, on Ireland's TV3. He used Gamesalad to make his game 'Pizzabot'.
& a newspaper article on him:
Don't think he uses the GS Forums though. Anyone from Cork heard of him?
& a newspaper article on him:
Don't think he uses the GS Forums though. Anyone from Cork heard of him?
I'm Harry Moran, and I'm the guy who published the game. I didn't use the GS forums much when I was creating the game, to answer your question (apart from a few publishing errors.) I've actually only heard one of my radio interviews, so I don't really know how good they all are. Have either of you got PizzaBot? There's also an iOS version coming out this Thursday.
Out of interest how many Irish people have we on the forums? And how many are from cork?
*Slight breach of rules gs terms say users should be over 13, The harman is twelve!! :P Good luck harry,
And grats on your game doing so well.