scene position help

FirstDanFirstDan Member Posts: 208
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

I have an actor and a scene,
when an actor moves up the scene vertically, how do I find out where that actor is on the scene?
This is because I want to calculate the score based upon where the actor is on the screen,
preferably using meters(would you say 5pixels up, is = to 1 meter,is suffice?)

finally because i am aiming for an endless scroll vertical, can I subtract the actors position subtract the scene position, so that when the actor goes up i can get rid of what was there previously for performance etc.

I would like to say a big THANKS to all, for the help and guidance. awesome.


  • FirstDanFirstDan Member Posts: 208

    thank, ill try that after my day job :),

    another quick question regarding my previous

    suppose my actor actually moves up the scene, should i change the size of the screen, gradually decreasing the y scene size as the actor goes up? (this is to delete the y part of the scene)

    being a noob, i was thinking of making my scene for e.g. 50000+ in height, so that i can design different objects, obstacles, and this is why i wanted to delete the scene past by the jumping actor.

    im sorry if this is ludicrous, but i am still learning thanks

    many thanks
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