Countdown/Timer Won't Work!

PhiliePhilie PRO Posts: 240
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Current issue. I want to make it where when the timer, which is set following GameSaladCookbook's tutorial, hits 0, it changes to scene "Lose". Problem is.. it doesn't do it!

I did a rule for when the attribute = 0, and also timer after the 120 seconds. The timer worked on ONE scene, but NOT the other! I'm confused!

Help, ASAP!



  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    you have to have a timer in each scene

  • PhiliePhilie PRO Posts: 240
    Yep, I do. Each scene has the SAME rule/timer, and it doesn't work. Same for my pause.
  • PhiliePhilie PRO Posts: 240
    Yeah, its unlocked.
  • PhiliePhilie PRO Posts: 240
    This is weird because I have a similar issue. My pause button works on the first scene, but not on the others. It is the same exact way on all of them, all unlocked, all that. Timer works on the first, but not the rest. Its weird. I do have timer and pause actor on each one, I'm not that stupid.
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