Help with mining

ArmuelArmuel Member Posts: 31
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey. I'm making an rpg Zelda spin off and there are some mining side quests where there are patches of ore scattered around. But when you mine ore with a shovel I want it to stay collected, and when you return to the area it should be gone. Do I need to make 60 Boolean variables (1 for each patch) or is there some way I can save that its been collected easier?


  • ArmuelArmuel Member Posts: 31
    Same for treasure chests- you shouldn't be able o get the same item multiple times. What can I do?
  • ArmuelArmuel Member Posts: 31
    Yes but you dont have to get them in a specific order. You can get them in any order you want. I need a way for each individual to be checked. And just wondering, whats the difference between real and integer variables?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Armuel said:
    Yes but you dont have to get them in a specific order. You can get them in any order you want. I need a way for each individual to be checked. And just wondering, whats the difference between real and integer variables?

    intergers can only be whole numbers, real can have decimal places
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    @ Armuel

    think you need to use more scene and actor attributes..

    for treasure boxes...
    in each scene that there is one...
    create(+) a scene attribute boolean...named tbxDone
    add a condition to the rule for touch on the treasure box (All valid)
    when tbxDone is false (scene.tbxDone--access via instance Current Scene)
    get item
    Timer: after 0.01seconds changeAttribute scene.tbxDone to true
    for the dig patches
    on the prototype...
    create(+) an actor attribute boolean...named oreDone
    add a condition to the rule for touch in the patch
    when oreDone is false (self.oreDone)
    get ore
    Timer: after 0.1 changeAttribute self.oreDone to true
    game.Attributes should be used for conditions that can be read and changed by all facets of the game.
    scene.Attributes are those conditions that are only utilized in that scene
    self.Attributes are condition only applicable to that actor

    your game sounds intriguing! keep up the good work!

  • ArmuelArmuel Member Posts: 31
    Thanks, but do actor variables stay when you leave the scene?
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