How would you set up the fail rule?

GuaveMediaGuaveMedia Member, PRO Posts: 1,262
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

I got asked to use this code where you have actors to collect in a given way, if you choose the wrong way, the level fails and a button shows up:

on every actor make a self attribute (index) and set it to its own number
actor 1 set to 1 actor 2 set to 2 and so on.

then make a game attribute game.order (index) set to 1

on your actors have a rule

when its collected
rule if game.order is = self.number
change attribute game.order to game.order+1

when its collected
rule if game.order is NOT = to self.number
trigger failed rules

But how would you set up the fail rules? I tried different things but
nothing worked...

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