Move to + random number
hello, i have an actor who follow the main character (with move to behavior), each time this actor dies, a randon number is generated, so this actor gets recicled , and each time he dies, he show up in differents parts of the map
the problem is that after a few minutes its start to get buggy, and the actor go to random positions instead of following the actor, i read in the forum that the move to behavior is buggy, what should i use instead of move to? interpolate and accelerate are not an option, because the actor should move with the same speed
the problem is that after a few minutes its start to get buggy, and the actor go to random positions instead of following the actor, i read in the forum that the move to behavior is buggy, what should i use instead of move to? interpolate and accelerate are not an option, because the actor should move with the same speed