Load 1,000 attributes
Would that be too much for the engine? At start up I planned on having a little "loading" screen that hides itself after about 1-2 seconds....would this give GS enough time to load (at the very most) 1,000 attributes?
(it would slow it down very much)
Just my two cents,
If game itself runs smoothly (not many movables, constrains, timers etc.) than my two cents say it won't be a problem to load. (Well, not that much...)
It can be done but I can't imagine a game running that needs 1000 attributes.. It can load 'em but can't really play that game..
Used GS a long time but decided to make a utility app, and long story short since we can't dimension things at runtime, or make arrays, I have to make everything myself. So again, the most possible I would have to load is 1,000 text attributes....there are no other functions happening when this takes place.
I think the engine can handle it, but again who knows. Just wondered if anyone else had been down this road
But when they are navigating the app, the most that will ever need to be shown is like 4-5 so that's no problem. The issue here is just making sure GS can load all of them at startup if it has to.
Like t shirt said just make sure you put them in differrent actors so it doesnt take a long time to open the actor in the creator. But you can load them no problem