Preload. How to use it?
Hi guys. I've a question I'm ready to publish my game and my fixing something to increase the performance. But i don't understand when i should use preload. all in game is created by the spawners and there are some stuff with animation that spawn after some time.
At least what the best way to use this thing?
At least what the best way to use this thing?
Basically, only have art rendered that is needed for when the scene opens. As your spawning, I'd assume you should leave preload to be on, if you wasn't spawning and had items off the initial screen you could set it that it didn't need to preload it, then the art would get rendered as of when it was needed. You need to be careful doing this as too much art rendering at once will hurt your FPS. As you're spawning though, i don't think you have time to spawn the actor and then render its art before its seen, i think you will have to leave preload checked. As always though, you should build an ad-hoc version and try out both ways on different hardware and go with what gives you the best results!
iPhone 4S didn't have this issue because it's fast enough to load everything in time. But this is a handy piece of information to have when designing for older generation devices.