Are you thankful for GameSalad?

PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Today is Thanksgiving Day in The United States. It basically kicks off the holiday shopping season and it's a day where friends and family get together. But in the chaos of the season, there are those that take time out to actually reflect on things to be thankful for. I realized that while reading a Thanksgiving Day related article...

Wow! GameSalad made the list!

I'm used to GameSalad getting bad press. And frankly, my enthusiasm with the software has waned. I see it as missed opportunity. Awesomeness is always just around the corner, but never really seems to emerge.

...but is that the right way to look at it?

Despite the frustration, I've made a lot of money with GameSalad. Additionally, this is one of my favorite online communities. There are lots of dedicated people here that like to help out. I've also been in communication with lots of the people that work at GameSalad. They seem honest, hardworking and they generally like what they do.

So... on the one-side, I see an HTML 5 authoring software that is a few minor changes away from possibly changing an entire industry — the Internet. Also on this side, I see game creation software that has been struggling to add basic game development features. I don't understand how 6 million dollars is not enough to get full Game Center support or other surprisingly missing features.

Remember this?

But on the other side, I see software that really gets it... that understands the importance of game development and programming... that realizes people don't think like computers... that the creation process should be fun and easy, so that ideas can quickly become reality.

So... what does it mean to give thanks?

It really doesn't have to be so dramatic to say, "Thanks!" It's just acknowledgement. It's just being polite and courteous. Even though GameSalad is still struggling through a long beta — and still has yet to realize its full potential — that doesn't change the reality of the software. It's pretty cool!

So hey GameSalad, thanks for making great software.
...and I look forward to you making it even better.


  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    Thanks Gamesalad! I Really Appreciate your work, and making this AWESOME Software that should improve every day to be better and better!
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    Great post, Photics.

    I would add to your post a little, but it seems you said it all. :)

    Thank you GameSalad for the great free software, great support you have,
    and all the other work you do FOR US.
    I thank God for you all. :-)
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Thanks GameSalad ... Enjoy your holidays!
  • zapposhzapposh Member Posts: 65
    Good point.

    I am also grateful to Gamesalad, as you made a 25 year old dream of becoming a game designer suddenly very accessible.

    I can openly say it gave me a new perspective in life, short term or maybe long term, we'll see, but many changes have happened recently because of this.

    Thank you.
  • JelJel Member Posts: 319
    Very much so, it's a great tool. There are many things I would like to see in terms of tools within GS but hopefully they will come in time.
  • SpinningnutmegSpinningnutmeg Member Posts: 107
    Thanks SOOOOO Much GameSalad I would have never gotten my games made without you.

    Happy Thanksgiving to All!
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