How do I change the actor in a copied scene?

otellcotellc Member Posts: 9
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I duplicated a scened in my game but I want to change the actor or actor image in only that scene. I.E. the first scene the actor would be say a white box then in scene two (a copied scene) it would be a red box and so on. Movements and actions are all the same. i only want to change the image.


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    double click the actor in the scene then click the lock to unlock it . You can then change whatever you want on that actor and it wont effect the others or anything and whatever you change on the original actor in the actor pane wont effect the unlocked one in the scene
  • otellcotellc Member Posts: 9
    You Rock! Thanks so much for the help! Have yourself a great Thanksgiving!
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