Bug GameSalad Need Help For My Game!!

Benjamin_m5Benjamin_m5 Member Posts: 646
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey there everybody

I'm working on my new game on my mac. Then i tried it out on my iPhone 4. But theres something strange on my iPhone. On my iPhone it shows black lines like on this picture:


Here's a video from the game on my mac, but there you can't see this black lines...

Hope that anyone of you can help me :)

Our first game


  • Benjamin_m5Benjamin_m5 Member Posts: 646
    Hey tshirtbooth

    yes man. I thought this too but the problem is that i cant place my walls good in my drawing program because i can't there place my walls good to each pixels i want to place it. But i'll try it :)

    Do you know why this is happening with gamesalad?!
  • SkyMapleSkyMaple Member Posts: 817
    To move actors in gamesalad with precision, highlight it and move it with the arrow keys on your keyboard. Another thing you can do is to change the scene color to green.

    Edit- By the way, It appears that the stars you are using are copywrited. I highly suggest you change the image!
  • Benjamin_m5Benjamin_m5 Member Posts: 646
    Hey SkyMaple

    The actor are placed exactly on each pixel i want to. And the scene color is not black. It is brown. So the black lines come not from the scene background. Any mor ideas?!

    Edit: Yes they are copyrighted but by me :) Havn't cange the image because i wasn't at my workplace yet where my drawing tool is :) so i coudn't change it
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    try adding a transparent pixel to the images. I remember a issue a while back where it was putting black lines around images and firemaple figured out by adding 1 transparent pixel to the image it got rid of it.
  • Benjamin_m5Benjamin_m5 Member Posts: 646
    Hey Thanks John :)

    Hope that helps. Try this when i'm back home :)
  • GLGAMESGLGAMES SingaporeMember Posts: 988
    Tile image is a bit tough on GS, i hv gone through that. cos the edge of tiles beside one another is not exactly perfect. you can use exact position for x & y on all tiles in order to make it arrange nicely in a whole layer.
  • Benjamin_m5Benjamin_m5 Member Posts: 646
    Hey there everybody

    Finally...i fixed this bug :)

    If changed the last two pixels around my objects to transparent like fire maple made it. Thanks to all :)

    Here's the new screenshot:


    Our first game
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