Parallax for Jetpack template?

chaleychaley Member, PRO Posts: 226
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! So... I'm using Darren's Jetpack template & I thought I'd found a great parallax template to use with it... but it doesn't seem to work. The parallax template I found has images that stretch the entire width of the scene, but my scene is 9000 pixels wide, so it's not possible. I tried to use 512 tiles and use the same rules as the "non-tiled" images, but it broke. Is anyone familiar with the jetpack template or any other "endless runner" types that can shed some light on adding parallax?


  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Here you go Buddy:

    There is no need to have images the size of the width in this parallax.

  • chaleychaley Member, PRO Posts: 226
    Thanks man... Actually, yea... That's the parallax template I tried. I have the same constrain attributes and rules you used, and it works for the first tile, but the second tile doesn't show up when I preview the scene. I see them stacked side-by side in the editor, but the preview only shows the first one.
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Are you working with RI?

  • chaleychaley Member, PRO Posts: 226
    Nope... Should I be?
  • chaleychaley Member, PRO Posts: 226
    Anyone have any ideas?
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