Animation speed accelerates based on game speed?
Hey all... I have a game where the speed of the camera is based on distance traveled /time. It's the standard "camera moves faster the longer you play." I'm looking to have my hero' s run cycle acceleration to roughhly match the camera acceleration. It doesn't have to be an exact match... It just needs to get faster as the game progresses. Anyone know how to do this?
You can work with different animations.
eg. Your standard Animation has 20 frames.
SlowMo. Use another animation behavior with the same animation images, but put every image eg. twice in the animation behavior.
Normal: pic1,pic2,pic3,pic4,pic5
Slomo: pic1,pic1,pic2, pic2,pic3,pic3
Build around this a rule if the camera trigger a attribute for zoom out or zoom in.
Alternativ use the same rule construct for 3 animation of same picture, but with different frame rates.
It's one of those things where I don't get much time already to work on my game, so I want to make sure my time is maximized. I can picture burning many frustrating hours trying to decode what is happening in that template. ...and in the end, there might be a much better, and much cleaner way.