Counter Help
Hey guys,
I have been trying to figure out how to do a certain type of counter for my game.
Let me try to describe it:
First the values:
A = 1 point.
B = 8(A)
C = 8(B)
D= 8(C) and so forth.
It's a tiered counter, that would appear like stamps. i would like to structure this way:
When you receive a single point, you get a image that represents, "A".
When you get a second point, the counter will then show you, "A A", and 3 points = AAA, 4=AAAA and so forth.
When you reach 8(A), the A's will go away, and start over. You will now have 1 "B". In this case, 8 points = B, or 8(A)= B. When you get 16 points, you'll have 2 B's, and so forth. Once you have reached 8 B's, those will reset to 0, and you will now have a "C".
(Im horrible at math by the way)
So if you had 7 points, the score would read:
If you had 8 points, the score would read
If you had 9 points points the score would read:
If you had 45 points, the score would read:
Does this make sense?
I've been racking my brain trying to get this to work.
Any help appreciated, otherwise i may just nix this feature.
I have been trying to figure out how to do a certain type of counter for my game.
Let me try to describe it:
First the values:
A = 1 point.
B = 8(A)
C = 8(B)
D= 8(C) and so forth.
It's a tiered counter, that would appear like stamps. i would like to structure this way:
When you receive a single point, you get a image that represents, "A".
When you get a second point, the counter will then show you, "A A", and 3 points = AAA, 4=AAAA and so forth.
When you reach 8(A), the A's will go away, and start over. You will now have 1 "B". In this case, 8 points = B, or 8(A)= B. When you get 16 points, you'll have 2 B's, and so forth. Once you have reached 8 B's, those will reset to 0, and you will now have a "C".
(Im horrible at math by the way)
So if you had 7 points, the score would read:
If you had 8 points, the score would read
If you had 9 points points the score would read:
If you had 45 points, the score would read:
Does this make sense?
I've been racking my brain trying to get this to work.
Any help appreciated, otherwise i may just nix this feature.