Please tell me you can save/load text attributes....
I've checked my logic a ton of times....and everything else seems to be saving/loading except for text attributes. Assuming I have spent 30 hours this week on a program that revolves around saving/loading text attributes.....I will be very upset if for some nonsensical reason you cant load/save them.
Please tell me Im wrong, and to go look back at my project for an error lol
EDIT; I just thought of this: My rules to save them go like this :
Touch is pressed: change text attribute (from keyboard input)
save text attribute
I'm thinking its not saving because it only saves when TOUCH IS PRESSED, which at this point the attribute has not been saved yet, which is why its only saving a blank field.
Please tell me Im wrong, and to go look back at my project for an error lol
EDIT; I just thought of this: My rules to save them go like this :
Touch is pressed: change text attribute (from keyboard input)
save text attribute
I'm thinking its not saving because it only saves when TOUCH IS PRESSED, which at this point the attribute has not been saved yet, which is why its only saving a blank field.
I just made this for you: