there are some of the GS apps that has loading screen, when you press "play" button it will go to this loading screen with the turning circle on the side for a few seconds and then go to the game...
not the 0-100% kind of loading..but have the "loading" word at the middle:) I think it can be done in GS but i don't know the basic theory:)
those apps you're referring to might have a separate actor/scene that says "loading" to make it more presentable instead of the ugly loading circle by itself. Thats the route I went before but I removed it
That's exactly it. So, just before you change scenes, put a full screen actor in the middle of the screen that says LOADING. At the beginning of your next screen, have the same actor, same place, except have it say PRESS TO PLAY. If you do that(or similar), users eyes will be drawn to your own loading art, rather than the spinning wheel. This is how GS users do this.
not the 0-100% kind of loading..but have the "loading" word at the middle:) I think it can be done in GS but i don't know the basic theory:)