slow down game for pause (works) and unpause (not so good)

part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi everyone,

So I have this game where I decided to include a pause feature.. it's a speed game so eventually things go so fast that simply freezing the game and unfreezing would result in failure because resuming would be so fast a user couldn't realistically react in time..

what i tried:
i have a new attribute called "speed buffer" which when i pause i pass the current game speed to that and then immediately interpolate to 0. this works.. i confirmed it.. the right speed is stashed ready to be called on again.

the issue i run into is when i un-pause, i am trying to interpolate the game speed (which is at 0) back to the "speed buffer".. but what i end up with is it jerking back to full speed.. not gradually speeding back up to original speed when paused.

any thoughts on this?

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