Saving Game~Help Please!
I am creating a game similar to games like Tiny Tower, Tap Pet Hotel, Tap Zoo, etc., and as you know, they all involve waiting an amount of time for you to stock items/collect coins to earn your self money. So, my large question is- Does anybody know how to save your game so that when you come back it will know how long you have been away, and give you the coins after the time has elapsed? THx!
I am creating a game similar to games like Tiny Tower, Tap Pet Hotel, Tap Zoo, etc., and as you know, they all involve waiting an amount of time for you to stock items/collect coins to earn your self money. So, my large question is- Does anybody know how to save your game so that when you come back it will know how long you have been away, and give you the coins after the time has elapsed? THx!
For example if you saved an earlier date and called it oldDate then you would just have it check whether oldDate-newDate > 4.
It depends on whether you want it checking for a whole new day (or an amount of days) or whether you want it checking per hour. etc.