Airplane animation

XLWolfyXLWolfy Member Posts: 67
I have created a "cartoony" airplane in Adobe Illustrator CS5... I had no problem until I came to the "Spinners" which would be animated but since this is 2d i can't find a way to do it. Any help would be great! Also this is a great opportunity to ask, how is the plane? do you like it?



  • XLWolfyXLWolfy Member Posts: 67
    No one? Lolz
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    hey there,

    Its only been 10 minutes. Please be patient.

    For your question i would just look at a reference image from the same view, and have the propeller a different actor instead of animating it, and just rotate it in gs

  • ClockClock Member Posts: 308
    not bad. but design is simple.
  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
    Honestly if you can bypass animating it you will likely cut down on some potential lag. I'd say just create a propeller on it and if it is some what blurred so that it looks as though it is spinning and has some opacity so you can see through it, it wouldn't make much of a difference if you animated it or not. Unless that is absolutely key that it looked animated.
  • SpriteAttackSpriteAttack Member Posts: 524
    It's not a big deal to animated... Just start by creating the propeller in a 12 o'clock state and set the pivot points to the center of the propeller shaft tip. Copy it and rotate it down to the 6 o'clock state (180 degrees). Take the 3 objects (propeller blades and the yellow tip you already got) and move them to a new layer. Copy those 3 again to new layer and rotate the blade (eg. 15 degrees clockwise). Squash the blades horizontally to create the right perspective. Move the lower propeller below the yellow tip to create some depth. Repeat this until you get a full 180 degree turn of the blades.

    Alternatively create just the 12 o'clock and the 3 o'clock position and use the blend option to create the frames in between. Copy those and mirror them down and the copy and mirro the lot to the left and you have a full set of proper positions.

    [Basically this is what you are after - I just made a few steps and kept them all in place to show.]

    Add a transparent circle below as well as a gradient to a more transparent colour in the direction the blades are moving, to create some feeling of motion blur.

    ... and really... change to a less bothersome tool like inscape or even corel draw... Just 5minutes to check that this works in my old illustrator CS was enough to annoy the living daylight out of me. :\
  • XLWolfyXLWolfy Member Posts: 67
    BTW I would ask you for the file ^_^ But I would much rather learn how did you make it... I have seen your tutorial thread and can you PLEASE make a tut for making this? BTW Why do you find illustrator annoying? I have not used Inkscape before but i have seen UI pics and they look horrible so i dont bother trying it... But i might try it since its free :D and if the UI isnt that bad... and err Thanks for the comment fallacy but i really want to try it WITH animation first :D
  • SpriteAttackSpriteAttack Member Posts: 524
    XLWolfy... no problem... but it's in inkscape format... same principles work in Adobe Illustrator though.

    And yes... Inkscape is not the prettiest... but at least you can create things a lot faster and with less detours... Illustrator is not intuitive to me, extremly user-unfriendly (eg. try and manipulate a bunch of nodes at the same time or easily work with clip masks).

    Anyway.... I hope this helps:
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