Gaps between images

I have 4 background images that cover an area of 960x640. The cameras movement is constrained to the player character which can move freely around these images. What I am getting is gaps between the background images that appear as black lines.
I have set the position of the images inside the actors themselves so that I know they are butting up to one another yet I still see lines.
Does anyone know why this may be happening and a fix for it?
Thanks all,
I have 4 background images that cover an area of 960x640. The cameras movement is constrained to the player character which can move freely around these images. What I am getting is gaps between the background images that appear as black lines.
I have set the position of the images inside the actors themselves so that I know they are butting up to one another yet I still see lines.
Does anyone know why this may be happening and a fix for it?
Thanks all,
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Then in the project I made my background actors to 482x320 , and it resolved the black lines.
Now, because the width is changed to 482, I moved my actor a pixels to the left, so it's X position is 239 instead of 240, same goes for the rest of the backgrounds actors along the scene, a pixel to the left.
It's a nasty workaround but what can we do...
I've got an 8x8 grid of tiles, and I read the images in from a table as I move my character around.
It was working fine in 0.9.94 10 minutes ago.
Now I've upgraded, and I have this thin black line spoiling everything.
Can it be fixed by changing the Stretch/Fixed/Tile attribute for the actor or something?
Anyone had the same problem and fixed it?
I thought it was just a gap between the images, a problem that I'd had before, and already fixed by simple making the actors about 4 pixels larger than they need to be, therefore overlapping slightly and covering the gap. All good. But now, even though the images are overlapping, there'a a thin line.
Even if I make them overlap by 20 pixels there's a black line.
I tried making the too small, so there's a gap between every actor, and I can see the line on the edge of each actor. So it's not to do with a gap, or overlap, it's actually some sort of unwanted line being drawn on the edge of the actors.
And it's not in the art, because they're all flat colors, and we were 100% fine in 0.9.94.
- Murray
We getting the same problem? For me it comes and goes.. temporary but bad solution was to keep deleting and exporting the images until they'd go away then I stopped touching them.
Not sure if would it make a difference if the image was interlaced or not?
I have come across this issue before however not in several projects [it really does seem random].
I would love any type of fix for this