GS Crashes When Adding Game Icon

iKandyiKandy Imagineer of Crazy ShitNew York CityMember Posts: 310
edited December 2011 in Tech Support
When publishing a game, when you click the button to upload the 512 pixel x 512 pixel game icon crashes the software making it unable to publish the game. This has been happening over the last several software updates.


  • iKandyiKandy Imagineer of Crazy Shit New York CityMember Posts: 310
    Incidentally, this will cause your app to be rejected by Apple if the Game Icon is not included in the game package. The generic GameSalad icon will cause your app to be rejected AFTER waiting a week for the Apple inspection process. This is a MAJOR GLITCH and will be a monkey wrench in your publishing process if you don't watch out.
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