Constantly Interpolate Colors

nicolastonicolasto Member Posts: 3
edited December 2011 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi guys! First time poster here..

I'm trying to create a progress bar that every 5 seconds interpolates it's 3 colors to a randomly generated color.

The actor has 3 attributes (NewRed,NewBlue,NewGreen). The initial Colors of this actor and it's 3 attributes are (0,0,0) and this is what I have so far:

When All of the following conditions:
Change Atributte NewRed,NewBlue,NewGreen=random(0,1)
Interpolate self.Color.Blue/Red/Green to NewBlue/Red/Green in 5 seconds.

The problem is that the bar actually changes it's color in the first 5 seconds, but afterwards the color remains the same. I'm having some trouble understanding why this happens because after the first 5 seconds, the conditions should be valid (just like they are when the game starts).

Any help would be greatly aprecciated!


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