yep like RThurman said thats how he did it. You can download that project in the new section of the gamesalad creator and check it out for yourself. no idea how accurate that is though.
As far as the true fps that you see during the viewer, like i said you cant display that in game
I downloaded the project and tested it out with an old 2Gen ipod and it was pretty accurate! (Within 2/3 fps of the viewer at any given time.) I noticed that the demo project multiplied the fps by 2 to get a more accurate count (as compared to the viewer statistics).
you can only check fps when running in the viewer, not in game
Timer (every 0 seconds)
----Change Attribute self.myCounter To: self.myCounter +1
Timer (every 1 seconds)
----Change Attribute self.myFPS To: self.myCounter
----Change Attribute self.myCounter To: 0
Display Text: self.myFPS
no idea how accurate that is though.
As far as the true fps that you see during the viewer, like i said you cant display that in game