Pre-loaded art. Can someone give me a detailed explination to how this feature works? :)
^^^^^ Thanks whoever! lol
Edit - they really need to make the Category choice blank and not postable until you select the category yourself.
Edit - they really need to make the Category choice blank and not postable until you select the category yourself.
Best practice seems to be to only check Pre-Load Art when it's something that is in the beginning of the game, like the background, and main actors. Things that aren't on the initial scene loading can be un-checked.
For example, on my new game, the only thing that is pre-loaded is the main actor, the background, and the platforms. Everything else is unchecked, and I think the game loads pretty fast.
I would think to do it on the main actor at times, because he can have a lot of animations....
What happens if you uncheck it on an actor that is at the beginning of the scene, is it a white box for a moment while it loads?
You could probs get your main character to "Start off stage" for example... Then "walk" on. Depending on the game but yeah.
Thanks Cal!
@ slickzero: you say ticked pre-loaded images will be loaded at the begining of the game... surely its preloaded at the begining of the scene?.. as I have many scenes with differing art/images in each.
Also - anyone know if there's still a best-practices post about pre-loading? I can't find anything on this new forum!
Lastly - I just watched a video on cookbook about preloading, and when all pre-loads were off the scene started pretty much immediately and displayed no different to if they were pre-loaded. So whats the downside to not pre-loading! White boxes? glitches? framerate issues?
It's supposed to be white boxes they reckon... (when the scene first loads)
Basically after experimenting with turning ALL pre-load art off the my entire game (which consists of over 50 scenes), I notice a very small improvement in load time when game firsts loads - probably loads in 3 seconds rather than 4. Other than that no difference whatsoever. All scene loads are exactly the same.
So my conclusion - not worth using, particularly if it could potentially introduces glitches etc.
Hopefully its more beneficial for other peoples projects.
It would therefore explain why there's no difference in load times between scenes... and since there's hardly any difference in loadtime when loading the game I won't be using it anyway.