Code signing failed. Make sure your provisioning profile.

VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
edited December 2011 in Tech Support
Hi Everyone,

Having some major problems with trying to publish my game, Keep getting the below error.

Code signing failed. Make sure your provisioning profile, developer certificate, and WWDR certificate are installed.

It was working fine last week and nothing has changed, Still got my certificates and they dont expire till next year.

Anyone else having this error.



  • VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
    Anyone ? Please
  • SharkawyDevSharkawyDev Member Posts: 225
    Nope. Try erasing and reinstalling the certificates from ur keychain
  • VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
    Hi, It must be gamesalad as i have 2 apple accounts on 2 different macs and they are both saying the same error ????

    Do i need to updated xcode ?????
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Where are you getting this error? from GameSalad, or from the application loader?
  • VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
    From Gamesalad, When i click publish ... it shows up where to save the app so i click desktop and it comes up with the error, ive done this on my mac and another mac with different certificates so cant be anything on my mac, also ive had emails to say that other members cant update their apps either.

    Any news ?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Nope if its in GameSalad your profiles or certificates are likely messed up. If you have 2 dev accounts do you have both accounts certificates on both machines etc…

    Open xcode and got to the organizer. If the is a little yellow warning it should tell you where the issue is. More than likely its not finding the certificate that goes with the profile.
  • RiffelRiffel Member Posts: 1,272
    After update I have the same issue...
  • VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
    Thanks you RIFFEL for your comment as i thought it was just me,

    I got the update as thought it would fix the error, Hasn't fixed it.

    Been on this all day now, So annoying. Everyone keeps saying get new certificates but have done that and nothing.

    Hope for a fixed tomorrow ???
  • bren7bren7 Member, PRO Posts: 42
    I'm having similar issues, too. the App Store is rejecting my App upload right after the uploader is done uploading. iTunes emails the same thing each time: " Invalid Code Signing Entitlements". iTunes Connect displays "Invalid Binary" beside my App. Everything looks good in the organizer even after downloading / updating my Provisions. I guess this is a Gamesalad issue?
  • VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
    Yes GS has emailed saying its an error on there side of things, Thank god as i was going round in circles.
  • bren7bren7 Member, PRO Posts: 42
    Today I tried again and the App Store is (still) rejecting my App upload right after the uploader is done uploading. iTunes emails the same thing each time: " Invalid Code Signing Entitlements". I really hope GS comes up with a solution for this because I'm giving up until then. I'm tired of double and triple checking my provisions and not finding anything wrong. Anybody else having the same issue still?
  • bren7bren7 Member, PRO Posts: 42
    OK, maybe there is something wrong with my new apps Provisioning Profile because I just had no problem updating an existing App to the iTunes Store. The only thing I see different is the App ID. I don't have Apple Push Notification service enabled. Does anybody have any recommendations?
  • VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
    Mine is not on the application loader, my error is on Gamesalad, When i publish an app to test on my iphone it comes up with the same error.

  • bren7bren7 Member, PRO Posts: 42
    Wow, I Googled my problem and found out that it was because I enabled the iCloud option in the related App ID. I went back in, disabled iCloud, downloaded the related provision, Published in GS and uploaded to to iTunes Store. This time it passed for review. Now I know to stay away from the iCloud.
  • VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
    Pretty sure mine has nothing to do with icloud, As my error is on gamesalad to publish the App for testing.
    GS said its there side but im not sure.
  • greglevygreglevy Member, PRO Posts: 85
    Any luck? I'm still having this problem

  • GingerBGamesGingerBGames Member Posts: 390
    Please, if anyone can help, that would be great. Didn't have the problem until after I installed the newest update. I've deleted all the provision profiles, the dev. licesnse, and wwdr. Now I can't upload any of my games.
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    Extremely helpful now that I have to use Lion, downgrade Xcode to 4.2.1, and reinstall all of my certificates and profiles. Thank you!

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  • Sakis25Sakis25 Member Posts: 22
    I have the same problem for over a week now.
    Just like "VoiceExpress" said:
    "When i click publish ... it shows up where to save the app so i click desktop and it comes up with the error, ive done this on my mac and another mac with different certificates so cant be anything on my mac."
    Any help will be appreciated.
  • denydeny Member Posts: 63
    Same problem here, i erased and re installed all profiles and certificates, xcode tells me that they are OK
  • cabb41cabb41 Member Posts: 3
    I have been trying for 3 weeks to get my game on iTunes. I get one issue cleared up and then there is another one. Right now it is the distribution certificate. I have checked everything but nothing is happening. Somebody please help!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am losing my mind.
  • glyniusglynius Member Posts: 231
    @cabb41 have you found any solution on this... i am also struggling to publish my app to mac store
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