my obsession with appstore's 3g 20mb limit.....
one of the more important things about my upcoming game is the music. and it will easily take up space. i've done some compression to minimize the size but i still am going to go over the 20mb mark.
basically i'm trying to get it under 20mb so that ANYBODY can download the game without the NEED of wifi. as you know the appstore won't let you download files bigger than 20mb over 3g.
so my question is, should i even LET this bother me? what are your thoughts/advice on this issue?
basically i'm trying to get it under 20mb so that ANYBODY can download the game without the NEED of wifi. as you know the appstore won't let you download files bigger than 20mb over 3g.
so my question is, should i even LET this bother me? what are your thoughts/advice on this issue?
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
"Project B" WIP Game
my game isnt BASED on music, but i feel the music with add alot to the feel of the game.
i currently use imageoptim to compress my images, and garageband has a very nice way of compressing sound without too much loss of qulity. but maybe these tools you recommend are better. i will give them a try. thanks again guys
@EatingMyHat thats actually a good question. I dont think they are prompted about it until after purchase but the listing does show the download size. I dont know for sure though. My only experience on over 20MB apps is Freebies and those notified me after I started to download.
the message comes before. i try to keep all my games under 20mb. but i'm REALLY gonna have to watch out for it.
i'm not sure if it will impact sales being that theres wifi everywhere nowadays. what..a..dilemma lol
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Publish your game in game salad, then compress it, and see how much space does it takes, maybe you are already under 20 mb and you don't know it
learn a new thing now, thanks
i will cut the LENGTH of the music in half (prolly the main issues is the length since it makes the sizes bigger)
another thing that worries me is when i start releasing updates, it will start increasing the size of the game, no?
i shall learn to art of recycling art
i will try this out thanks!