Does Unchecking preloaded art mean we could have a limitless scene?
So, loading the art while the game is playing... Cool.
So we could have a huge scene that goes on and on and on... and has hundreads of animations?
So we could have a huge scene that goes on and on and on... and has hundreads of animations?
Although you could trigger animations and rules when you are within a magnitude of 555 (best number I've found through testing) and the animations and rules will only fire when they are visible on the screen.
In every actor you want to trigger when the player is near, you would just need to do a rule saying if self.distance > magnitude(game.playersX - self.position.x, game.playersY - self.position.y) then put all of your rules and animations, etc in here.
You could do it with the camera's position also, instead of using game.playersX and game.playersY, you could unlock the actor to get to the scene attributes and use the camera origin.x and camera origin.y. Having loads of instance actors that are duplicated from the prototype bogs your game down though, so would probably be better performance with the players X and Y.