What is the most images and animations you've fit in ONE scene?
I wanted to a single main scene game with lots of random animations... How have you guys faired with loads of big images?
So launch a blank game on the viewer and note how much RAM it uses.
Then make a few animations using your typical image size and typical number of frames.
Launch the viewer again and note how much RAM those animations took up.
Then decide if you want to work towards a 40mb RAM limit per scene (2nd gen devices) or 80-100mb limit (3rd gen)
Then you know how many animations you can use in one scene.
(You'll have to leave some space for game logic and sounds too)
(GS say there is some auto RAM dumping going on now. But I can still crash a game due to RAM usage so personally I wouldn't rely on that working)
We were going to have 2 playable characters in Ashley Ao. But after working out how many animations we could have we decided 1 character with loads of animations is better than 2 with half as many each.
SIngle scene games may use up a lot of RAM for game logic too (assuming you have a lot of rules). Honey Tribe is one scene and takes up 40MB+ for game logic. Although about 10 of that is there in a blank project.
The problem for me hasn't been high RAM usage though (sits at about 40-45mb per scene), but big frame rate drops.
In my case it seems I can get away with it because framerate isn't a big issue for my game (essentially its a flick-book adventure - images are either on or off) so I could even get away with as low as 12fps! (I've tested this its true before any one asks!).
But yeah - definitely test it out. GS does seem to like multiple large actors musch at all!
I'm thinking 99cents on Phones and $2/3 on everything else.
My game is all about spawning, so it might not be so bad : )
In that case i'll get up random self positions changes instead of destroy. Thanks Ace!
Working on it right now, among other things that aren't making sense