Not changing scene

rishi.patelrishi.patel Member Posts: 8
edited December 2011 in Tech Support

I have published my game, i've still got a lot to work on but thought i'd try it out.

If you play the game...

It would not change from the round with the Red Bull can to the next. I tried shuffling the screens around on the creator to see if it was an individual scene but this doesn't seem to make a difference.

Anyone have any ideas why this is happening? This is for a very important university project and needs to fully functional by the end of Sunday, please help!



  • rishi.patelrishi.patel Member Posts: 8
    And may I add, when I preview it in the creator, it works fine, but when I try it through 'Web Preview' the same problem persists
  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    Hi Rish,

    Just had a quick look. Its very simple and I would have thought you could do it all in one scene. it changes scenes very often. Like the instructions are 3 or 4 scenes - put it all into one. And then maybe the gameplay into a 2nd scene. It makes playing very slow if it changes scene after every go.

    this might solve the problem you're having
  • rishi.patelrishi.patel Member Posts: 8
    Thanks for your response. I don't understand how I would be able to keep a clear layout, have the background change for each item (there's about 10 of them) in the same scene?

    I'm sure there's some error somewhere else and not because of the amount of scenes. No matter I arrange it or disable certain rules the same problem persists, after the second scene of playing the actual game.

    Is there a way I could upload the project so someone can open it up and have a look?

    Thanks again
  • rishi.patelrishi.patel Member Posts: 8
    It seems to work fine in the preview, but when I try it with Web Preview it doesn't work.
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    on my first game … (of course being very new to GS) ... I had everything in one scene … logo; title; instructions; 10 scene-display changes; credits ...

    used an Index to track and control all the flow.

    just changeAttributes of the Actors on the screen ...

    EX: in your instructions ... have the button to next scene: change the Image/text on the Actor display the instructions

  • rishi.patelrishi.patel Member Posts: 8
    OK thanks I shall have to give it a try.
  • rishi.patelrishi.patel Member Posts: 8
    I've got it working quite well, apart from when I need a 'bonus round'. The whole scene changes and so I thought i'd put this in a different scene. I've only got 3 scenes, 1 for Instructions, 1 for the normal game and 1 for the bonus round. And the same problem persists :( Is there something wrong with my Creator or something?
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