What determines ranking for a word search in the iTunes App Store?
Okay, so my app Santa Scan-O-Meter Pro (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/santa-scan-o-meter-pro/id482464457?mt=8) has been doing pretty well. I've noticed that when I search for "santa" (a logical search at this time of year) it comes in around the 15 - 20th position. That's nice and it's been doing rather well, but then I took a look at some of the other apps that ahead of it...
Some are logical (Angry Bird Seasons? of COURSE!)... free apps? Sure, there are some and they're probably getting many more downloads than my app...
But why would an app like "Santa!!!" come in at #1? Just keyword? Should I name my next app "Santa!!!!" with FOUR exclamation points? The "Santa!!!" app that's #1 doesn't seem to have any reviews at all (which tells me it hasn't been downloaded all that much...)
I'm having fun with this, but I'm pretty baffled by the search logic behind the iTunes app store for certain keywords.
Thanks for any insight anyone can lend!
Some are logical (Angry Bird Seasons? of COURSE!)... free apps? Sure, there are some and they're probably getting many more downloads than my app...
But why would an app like "Santa!!!" come in at #1? Just keyword? Should I name my next app "Santa!!!!" with FOUR exclamation points? The "Santa!!!" app that's #1 doesn't seem to have any reviews at all (which tells me it hasn't been downloaded all that much...)
I'm having fun with this, but I'm pretty baffled by the search logic behind the iTunes app store for certain keywords.
Thanks for any insight anyone can lend!
you might like to read:
Assigning Keywords For Your App
and with developer-sign-in App Store Submission Tips
N.B. you do not have to list: developer name; company name; app categories … in Keywords; they are already in the Search fields.
* Apple says you should not include AppName as a keyword … but most other SEO experts say you should!
it isn't required, but probably boosts your rank count.
using punctuation might be a bad idea … they are char(s) that user might have to input in the search field.
in HTML development; we often used repetitive keywords (santa, santa, santa,) to add to our relative term rank …and push our page up in the results list … alas, the engines wised-up; and deleted identical terms from the search.
perhaps, the iTunesStore does not implement the webSearchEngine filters ... so repeating the term(s) might increase rank
@TSB taught us all not to use spaces after ,(s) in Keywords … that sure saves chars for more terms!
however, AppleOS (Spotlight;Finder; Terminal) still parse the highest rank to titles that have a space before the name.
perhaps, this also applies to AppStore search … using space only for very generic terms like 'santa,' … ' santa,' might rank you higher.
PS for your webSite SEO analyses you might like this free app SEOzio
I'm going to experiment with pricing changes and paid advertising as well..
Hmm, I missed that tip with the keywords and spacing... and... I just learned you can't change keywords once an app is published... Oops. Oh well, live and learn.. thanks!
When I did a test publish once, I put the key words "Angry Birds" lol