Game published on GS-Arcade , display bugs & open URL limitations

zapposhzapposh Member Posts: 65
edited December 2011 in Tech Support
I published my game on Gamesalad Arcade, but I'm having issues.

Here is the link to the game: dumb shee

The game works fine on iOS, as well as in the GS-preview mode.
But in the arcade version almost every time a level starts all the actors disappear. Then they reappear again. Disappear again. Not disappear at all 2 levels further. But do not appear anymore the level after that. Any known issues for Arcade? Do all actors need to share the same layer or some other sort of problem?

On the menu there are also 2 buttons for Facebook and Twitter, but they generate an error message in the GS-Arcade when clicked. Is this a known limitation?
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