Free Game Music

MichaelMMichaelM Member Posts: 1
Hello everyone

if some of u are interested/want to have originally composed music, just send me an message.
Each composition is unique, fits your requirements and ofc it is for free. I'm writing mainly orch/choir music, although I'm keen
to try smthing new (atm I'm finishing 16 bit music).

Here u can find some of mine work:

Here is also an example of music to an video which I made for my friend

If u like what u hear just send me an message: or on the forum

I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys


  • RubiyoooRubiyooo Member Posts: 163
    Hi guy i need a music composer for my next game :D
    I send you a email.
    You are great and awesome!! Congratulations!!
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