Opinions on rip-offs of app names ("Angry _____ ")
I'm thinking about making a game that somewhat rips off the Angry Birds name but isn't much like the actual game. Would this have a positive/negative effect on sales? Is it just a dumb idea? Would it annoy you/others? I like my game idea I just don't know if I want to go down that path.
I know this isn't what you are talking about doing, but there's a game on the App Store right now called Angry Chickens, and it's exactly like Angry Birds, I mean exactly. To me it's pathetic, but it's gotten a lot of downloads.
Give it a shot if it's what you want to do.
If the game you're building is original and something you're proud of, you're only doing yourself a disservice by being so careless with a name.
I'd still love to hear other people's opinions.
call it angry bird-killer. (or such) and make a car racing game where your goal is to hit as many bird on your windshield as possible. they can't claim ownership as you are using it in different context, with bird-killer being in the context.. and they can't copyright angry .. and as long as your game uses no round "angry bird" looking bird.. instead gothic dark black crows .... it'll work and you'll probably make tons of money.
and if apple fuss with you or ravio fuss with you you can take them to court, but... what's the point... most people who rip off anything is just wanting to ride on the free wave.. amazon has app store, barns and noble has app store everyone has app store.. but... they are just trying to cash in... kind of tired of people trying to rip stuff off ... remember that if you focus on rip off that's what you will be doing for the rest of your life.. try to lead. not follow... make some progress.
I'm not ripping off any gameplay, just somewhat the name.
So basically @tenrdrmer you're right I know in my gut it's wrong. I just really want people to play my games
On a different note, how has Angry Chickens not gotten taken down/sued? It looks almost exactly like Angry Birds.
it should not matter what anyone thinks. if your game needs a ripped off name to win. its probably not that great of a game on its own.
Look at Cut the Rope and Burn the Rope, similar name but both are very different good games. I don't see how burn the rope could be blamed from rip off since the name make sense in respect to the gameplay. On the flip side, cut the birds is a complete rip off of 3 games at once (name from cut the rope, images from angry birds and gameplay from fruit ninja).
If you want people to play your games its simple, make a good game