Trouble installing .apk on Kindle Fire

bren7bren7 Member, PRO Posts: 42
edited December 2011 in Tech Support
So, I published my app and received a signed and unsigned .apk file. I have a Kindle Fire and downloaded the ES File Explorer app for free from Amazon. I emailed my unsigned .apk file to myself and downloaded it on to my Kindle Fire. In settings I turned on allow Installation of Applications. Then I opened the downloaded .apk file and clicked on install. The Fire brought up an accept or decline installation window. I clicked accept and it began installing. Then it said not installed. Not sure why. Anybody have any advice?
Thanks in advance.


  • bren7bren7 Member, PRO Posts: 42
    Oops. I just tried loading the signed .apk instead and it worked. Yay!
    Thanks RKS. I'll check out QuickOffice app, too.
  • bren7bren7 Member, PRO Posts: 42
    Is there still a sound delay issue?
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