Simple question about a level menu

GuaveMediaGuaveMedia Member, PRO Posts: 1,262
edited December 2011 in Working with GS (Mac)

following problem, in my level select I have 3 options. The level is completed with one star,two stars and three stars.
When he gets two stars I set an integer to 2, when 3stars to 3 and so my level menu I have level boxes with the stars but alpha zero. So when he gets 3 stars, the 3stars box turns on etc.
But how to set up that this does NOT change anymore when he once gets 3 stars?!



  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2011
    say you have an attribute game.level1hiscore (this keeps the highest number of stars on that level) and you have game.level1newscore ( this is the score at the end of the level every time it's played) then you can do tho

    if game.level1newscore > game.level1hiscore change game.level1hiscore to game.level1newscore

    then on the menu only use the level1hiscore attribute to show the max stars scored.

    makes sense?

    p.s. if you're saving attributes to retain their state when the game is reloaded don't forget to save the level1hiscore etc every time it's changed in the rule above
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