Game high score gone when shutting down device...

dennisblarinckxdennisblarinckx Member Posts: 2
edited December 2011 in Tech Support

I have a little problem here, my game "leeble" works perfectly.
But only one little thing, I have in the "game over" scene a "Save Attribute" and in the "welcome page" a "Load attribute"
now when i play my game and i've got a new highscore everything works, i close the app my highscore is still there ok.

But then when i close my app with multitasking or just shutting down my iPhone, then my game best score is lost.
I have a load attribute when my game starts, I don't get it.

Can you help me please!


  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    edited December 2011
    make sure in all of your "load" and "save" behaviours that you have typed the "key" directly into the box and not clicked the "e" symbol and typed it in there. If you click e it will not work.

    in other words, click on 'e' on all of them and if any text shows up delete it

    GS should really remove that 'e' button on these behaviours,
  • dennisblarinckxdennisblarinckx Member Posts: 2
    Mann really, THANK YOU!
  • hotMagichotMagic Member, PRO Posts: 266
    Wow yeah this is a crappy bug. I was debugging something for 2 hours and saw this post. For us, it seems like if you click that E at all, you should just delete the action and re-add one because it basically kills it. Thanks for the post.
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