Quick Gamecentre question
Hey guys, I've just gone pro! I have gamecentre minus £328.85. It hurts. Just wanted to see some thoughts on how you guys implement it. Do you have an invisible actor which posts the top score after a level automatically? I'm wondering if you have a post score button that the user can press, would you then be able to submit duplicate scores then, e.g. 25metres on one go, then submit 25metres again?
Originally I made a gamecentre sandbox account within my app on the prompt when I clicked the gamecentre button - this didn't seem to work. So what I did was to go to the actual gamecentre app you have on your iphone desktop, log out there and log in with my actual live gamecentre account I use for games. Then go back into your app, log in with your live account (it still goes into sandbox mode), then voila, score posting seems to work.
I also found out Apple automatically keeps your highest integer score on the leaderboard only which you would expect. So for example in a runner, when you keep repeating the same level: if you make a manual post score button that the user can press at the end, say if they score 10 first time round, this will go onto the leaderboard. Now if they score 5 next time on the same level, even if they press the button at the end, it doesn't update on the leaderboard. This is what you would expect though I couldn't find any documentation just to make sure. Of course, you could always make the post score button only appear when new score > top score.