In-Game Achievements

EagleoneEagleone Member Posts: 97
edited December 2011 in Working with GS (Mac)

Is there a video tutorial on how this is done? I'm referring to in-game achievements as the title states.



  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    Hey there,

    It's pretty easy.

    Say you wanted to have an achievement where you have to find something that pop's up in game at a certain time.

    So, create an attribute with a name that has something to do with your achievement.

    Now, go into your actor and (for example)


    When touch is pressed
    Change attribute blah blah to true
    Now, put a save atribute in there.


    change attribute game.achievements to true.
    Save attribute: game.achievements KEY: achievements

    And then you can show what they did.
    For example, you can have an actor change it's opacity from 0.5 to 1 when they complete something etc.
  • EagleoneEagleone Member Posts: 97
    Hi Braydon and thanks for your input, will def give that a go.
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