How not to be affected by gravity!!!!
Member Posts: 74
Hi, I already know that when you want an actor not to be affected by gravity you put physics.movable to false. But I want my actor to rotate clockwise but if it doesn't have movable true, it won't rotate. Does somebody know how can I make it not to be affected by gravity, or rotate without movable?
not a good idea. You dont want a bunch of physics forces trying to collide and challenge each other like that.
Example: Scene general gravity (y) to 200. (actors fall down)
If you want to have an actor move in a linear angle (on x axis)
Just set this actor the following behaviors
Actor accelaration upward (90) with the same exact acceleration (200)
Then add a change velocity behavior and give him the direction you want. It will balance the gravity.
This is practical when you only have one or two actors which need to defy gravity.
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