Project size question

SynergyStratecoreSynergyStratecore Member Posts: 3
edited December 2011 in Tech Support
Hi I am currently on the latest GS version and I am working on an app with lots of graphics, when I right click the gameproj file it shows as 26mb. However, while working on my app in the game creator, I see on the bottom right display it shows 1.9mb

Why does both the file size not tally? If I want my published app on the app store to be less than 20mb, should I based on the gameproj file size or the display size in the creator?


  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    Humm that is a big different

    How big is your image file?(in the project)
  • Hi tshirtbooth, thanks for the tip, that's amazing!

    Now i'm back to 2.1mb size and can continue creating more levels in mine app! Cheers
  • SharkawyDevSharkawyDev Member Posts: 225
    @tshirtbooth, wooow i have a huge screenshots file , but why does it excite ? and for what it's used for ? is it gonna affect the game ?
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    You see when u preview you save hose images that is the screenshots

    But when you publish those are not included
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    edited December 2011
    Sorry doub post
  • Calvin thanks for sharing that knowledge, it's really helpful info!
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