is it legal to use the iphone battery image in my app?
hey all , im making a game, and for an actor i need an image of a canister,
so i was thinking taking the image of the battery charge in the iphone
rotate it 90 degree to left and cut the top..(makes it look like a glass canister)
is it legal to use it?
ill be happy if you direct me to some more canister images if you run up to some
so i was thinking taking the image of the battery charge in the iphone
rotate it 90 degree to left and cut the top..(makes it look like a glass canister)
is it legal to use it?
ill be happy if you direct me to some more canister images if you run up to some

I have read about an app that got rejected because they have used an icon that comes ready to use with photoshop ... the icon was too similar to an icon that apple uses... so i would say they have an eye on stuff like this ...
They test every single app and it is not the question if they recognize it, but when.
Don't use any apple image in your apps!
Thumb rule is always: if you think, it may be a problem, then it WILL be a problem.
im not gonna use it,
ill find an alternative..
dont wanna mess with apple
It's better just not to use things like that.