What is the best Platformer Template?
I would like to play around with a plat former game.
I already have a Market, at least 100 people I don't even know would buy it, so it's bound to make some cash!
Thanks all.
I already have a Market, at least 100 people I don't even know would buy it, so it's bound to make some cash!
Thanks all.
Yeah from Scratch is the idea
I made a quick demo for a dude who wanted to know about double jumping an hour or so ago, here's the link (it uses accelerate as gravity):
But having a little trouble with jumping so i'll check it out : )
If game.Jump (or whatever you are doing to trigger the jump) is true
self.linear velocity.y = 0
Change attribute self.linear velocity.y to 700 (change this number to taste).
He will only jump when he is touching the floor now, not do loads of mid-air jumps.
When using Self linear Velocity to move left/right... It comes to a stop, like holding the key doesn't keep it going.
So I use move instead but then when I jump forward it gets stuck moving forward mid air.
Edit: just saw what you said. That will help! Single jumps are good to.
Yeah, you can do it that way, or just when right key is down constrain attribute instead of when it gets lower than a certain amount, it depends how you want your game to feel as to which method you would use.
But Jumping forwards is a pain.