Difference between a Scene Attribute and a Game Attribute?
I noticed that you can add attributes under the "scene" tab and "game" tab, but it doesn't seem like you can access the "scene" attributes from an actor. So what do scene attributes do? Do they reset to their original value when you "reset scene"? And what's the point of them if you can't access them from an actor?
And a scene attribute is specific to that scene, where a game attribute is specific throughout the whole game, no matter how many scenes there are. So basically you wouldn't want to create a scoring system using a scene attribute, you would want to use a game attribute for that. If that makes any sense...
What kind of attributes are best stored in the scene as opposed to the game?
Thanks for explaining though!
I think that a game attribute is working all the time and consumes memory all the time, but an scene attribute only consumes memory when un are on the scene.
Maybe i'm wrong, but i think thats the difference.
I use sceneAttributes all the time … control the game flow Index (rather than use timers)
I would even use them for score in that scene … and just before sceneChange: change gameScore To: gameScore + scene.Score
(if player resets or loses, gameScore isn't affected.)