Are my sales going to go up?
2 days ago I published my first game: "Alien Invasions" - and sales aren't so great (7sales-day1, 2sales-day2). After doing so reading on the forums, I found out publishing before the holidays was a bad idea, due to the large app companies dropping their prices, Ea Games for example.
So is my release date what caused low sales, and they should increase after new years. Or does my app just suck, and I will be lucky to get 1-2sales a day?
So is my release date what caused low sales, and they should increase after new years. Or does my app just suck, and I will be lucky to get 1-2sales a day?
Now as far as sales increasing. Anything is possible. Angry Birds flopped and took 3-6 months to become popular. so. it may very well mean you have months of pushing your app down everyones throat until it catches on. or you can give up and move on. It tough no matter how you look at it. and we have all been there.
I will say its tough to revive anything if you cannot get some press. if you cannot get some press its possible again both of the reasons you mention above. The app store takes a bit of good luck mixed in with the right mix of quality game.
Sorry I know its not the answer you want to hear and prob helps you answer your questions little to non . but thats the facts of the app store. its a tough place. If you have pro I would suggest trying to get something going for nook and kindle theres always a chance that it can pick up there and give you some exposure for the app store.
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Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Gorilla just made me laugh. It was done in jest but if you want to take it like a crazy person... Go wild.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS