Error creating app package for app [60008] - trouble since update

part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
Anyone seeing this when publishing an app for android? This seems to have only just started after I updated to the latest GS version that just came out.



  • jorkosjorkos Member, PRO Posts: 353
    I'm getting the same thing, so frustrating.....the new build is busted for Android......going back to previous version to test that
  • part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
    edited December 2011
    hey i'm not sure if this is something you were happening.. but i was experiencing a problem where i would not see my various builds and have to make a new one each time.. i let it sit for like 10 minutes and they finally populated. when i selected an existing one vs having to make a new one, it seems that the download completed.. but it might have been a fluke also..
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    I got a similar error but different code number. [60011]. I closed the gamesalad program and restarted and tried again. Same problem, different error code: [54473].
    What's up? I can't get any apk file done.
  • part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
    actually scratch that.. the error didn't happen, but the build didn't really update.. anything..
  • jorkosjorkos Member, PRO Posts: 353
    yeah, just tried with a new keystore, updated all android packages, etc. and still getting an error.....i think the error code is just the actual app number you get assigned in the build process.....i can't see any way around this right now....i contacted support and the response was 'keep trying every 30 minutes'.....what kind of response is that?
  • johnydeejohnydee Member, PRO Posts: 196 can we go back to a previous version of GS?
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    I tried to use the previous version of GS before this patch. Still throws a similar error...
  • part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
    yea looks like the issue was resolved.. i believe the bug was on the server side.. like the slow loading project icons..

    @johnydee.. i'm not sure how to go back.. i know there is a /download page somewhere.. but i don't know the exact url.. there is a page that has ALL of the prior builds so you can pick/choose whatever version you want to test out.

    good luck!
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    this issue was resolved on dec 24 to 25 and a few hours into dec 26. And then it all just went bad after that. The same issue persist till now.
  • jinedjined Member, PRO Posts: 42
    I've find out the origin of this bug:

    When you replace the Android splash screen with a custom one, after compiling, you get only the unsigned version of the .apk
    and the signed version do not come out.
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    Finally I solved it. Ok here's the reason for this error. I found that if your project is horizontally oriented, then make sure your custom splash image is horizontal not vertical. Same goes vice versa. Else it will produce this error. Hope this helps those of us who can publish to android.
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Im still having this error :/

    @izam how can you get to select a horizontal splash image? It only shows portrait option for me.
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    @Seths I meant our original splashscreen image file that we select has to be horizontal(landscape e.g. 1024x768) if your game is landscape mode 1024x768. If your game is in portrait 768x1024 mode then make sure your image file you select is also portrait rotated 768x1024.
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Oh okay, I'm getting another error now so hopefully I can fix this eventually! #headache
  • gregr209gregr209 Member Posts: 441
    I am also getting an error again publishing for the Android. I think it is an error 62202 (I am away from my computer and am not sure of the correct code). Hopefully it is a simple server side issue.
  • gregr209gregr209 Member Posts: 441
    Well it has been a full day and I STILL can't publish for the Android. Have an app already to get out the door and can't! So damn frustrating. Error #62202...what does that mean? Arghhhhhhhhh!
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    same here. tried everything above and doesn't fix the problem. can't publish to android, it publishes a unsigned version which doesn't work either.
  • gregr209gregr209 Member Posts: 441
    I have had this error before and just waited a bit and it worked...but this time I have waited for over 24 hours. It is ridiculous. Sent in a bug report first thing this morning and not a peep from anyone. Yeah I know, 24 hours before response but come on! Arghhhhhhhh!
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    very strange indeed. My method above didn't work after I tried it again today. Sigh. Wonder when this is going to fixed. Server side issue probably?
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    the number i'm getting is 62214... these numbers means nothing if we aren't given solutions to them. might as well say "BAM! FAIL"
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    Anybody managed to publish their android apps? What's going on here?
  • gregr209gregr209 Member Posts: 441
    Nope! Still not working. Makes me so mad I just wanna spit fire. Arghhhhhhh. I have a Valentine's app I need to get out and can't. Of course NEVER heard anything from support on Friday and nothing this weekend (I can understand that). They need some kind of system to let us know when the servers aren't working properly so we don't waste our time trying to publish OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    very weird that no one else is having this problem, i've been publishing to android .. about 8 titles now.. and i'm not doing anything new so it's beyond me... i could do some more testing to see if it's really issues on my side... but for now i'm gonna just keep working on other stuff instead of wasting time on this... if no one else complain for another few days, i suppose it must be something we are not doing right... the only thing that's different about this one is it's over 20mb.. which i don't see why it would be a problem as some people claim to have 200mb files.
  • mmzbrmmzbr Member Posts: 311
    Same Error here, come on GS Team 2 Days and no fix yet?
  • GLGAMESGLGAMES SingaporeMember Posts: 988
    i'm trying to get my updates out too. having problem with sign apk......
  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194
    edited January 2012
    Please try publishing again. We had made some changes to make publishing a bit faster, but we missed as step in the deploy process. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    wow an status update on Sunday, aint that something, thanx advent42.
  • gregr209gregr209 Member Posts: 441
    Thanks for the update on Sunday! Very appreciated!!!!! It did seem to be working however I think it is doing cache builds? What I mean is that I made some changes to the app and those changes are NOT being reflected in any of the builds I make. I just tried to do a 'NEW' build, not an 'Update' build when publishing and now I am getting a 62666 error. Again...thank you so much @adent42 for the Sunday update!!!!!!!
  • gregr209gregr209 Member Posts: 441
    Nope what I just mentioned was my fault. No caching issues...seems to be working fine right now! Whew! Again thanks for the Sunday work!!!!!!!
  • gregr209gregr209 Member Posts: 441
    Now it isn't working again. Arghhhhhhhhhh!
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