Destroy Only 1 Actor

flapairflapair Member Posts: 67
edited December 2011 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi everyone im making a cool game and there are lots of zombies and you need to kill them and each of them have 3 lifes, but when i kill one all of the monsters in the scene also dies and i don't why this is happening! Can someone help?


  • Hey, I'm not sure exactly how your behaviors and attributes are set up but it sounds like you may have created their health / lives as a game level attribute. If that's the case, they'll all die when any of them get hit 3 times.

    If you have their health set up as an actor level attribute you probably won't have your problem. Hope this helps!
  • flapairflapair Member Posts: 67
    Aaa now i understood thanks LoneTreeInteractive now i puted the attribute in the actor and i works!
    Thanks a lot!
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