Change Image (changing attribute) works in GS but not on the iphone

HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I want to show the loading screen when player clicks the next button.

I have set up the next button like:
if click, change attriburteA to 1 and go to next scene

my background image X is set up like:
If attributeA = 1, change image to Y

my other screen items are set up like:
If attributeA = 1, change alpha to 0

In GS everything is working fine. I hit next and everything disappears and the loading image is showing.

When I upload it to the iPhone, nothing of them happens. It starts loading the next level with the small circle in the upper right corner and goes to the next level.

So it seems, my attribute doesn't change, but I don't know why.


  • EastboundEastbound Member, BASIC Posts: 1,074
    Wrap it in a timer. Exact same thing happened to me on my level select screen.
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    Thanks! I am trying.
    Meanwhile I should have learned this with the timer already :-)
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    Just as an update:

    I redesigned the whole thing.

    Now I spawn an actor with the loading screen and destroy the whole level. I don't only change the image.
    The loading actor has all the rules in it, where to navigate to, based on game.attributes Level1, level2, level3 etc. which were set by clicking the next button's instance.
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