Slide menu

muoch10muoch10 Member Posts: 112
edited December 2011 in Working with GS (Mac)
Basically I want a menu sort of like this video but i would like it to snap to a certain part of the screen when it has slowed down, just like on the homescreen of ios where you swipe and it snaps once it slows down. I have tried to have two attributes both of them measure the distance between the camera and the areas i want it to snap to, and i say when motion<(i forgot my number i think it was 200), go to the left if its closer, or the right if its closer, i have noticed the the motion goes in negatives so it will not work when swiping to the left, plus it doesnt work very smoothly when it does work. I would like to know how to make either a smoother version of this or make it work when motion is in negatives? sorry if that doesnt make sence...


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