App Promotion Services?? (Has anyone used any?? Do you recommend any)
Dear All who may be reading,
As you may know, the only apps i have in the app store are my crappy ones from when i started, i have 11 on the roadmap to be published for 2012 (Most of them are ready since 3 months ago) just i like to do a "Steve Jobs" on things, where I'm very quiet for a while and then release brilliant things that have already been made..... Im planning to have a new release every "fiscal" Month....
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I was thinking of having an "app promotion service" or "app advertising service" i wanted to know did anyone recommend anyone..
I don't want any "spammers" coming in here saying "Im brilliant i made an app get loads of sales" Because quite frankly i don't want some faker or small individual, i want to go to a big company that specializes in this,
So if you have used any or recommend any please tell me,
Posted by LeonardDeveloper, contact me on
Be sure to visit my website:
Yours Sincerely,
Jack Leonard
As you may know, the only apps i have in the app store are my crappy ones from when i started, i have 11 on the roadmap to be published for 2012 (Most of them are ready since 3 months ago) just i like to do a "Steve Jobs" on things, where I'm very quiet for a while and then release brilliant things that have already been made..... Im planning to have a new release every "fiscal" Month....
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I was thinking of having an "app promotion service" or "app advertising service" i wanted to know did anyone recommend anyone..
I don't want any "spammers" coming in here saying "Im brilliant i made an app get loads of sales" Because quite frankly i don't want some faker or small individual, i want to go to a big company that specializes in this,
So if you have used any or recommend any please tell me,
Posted by LeonardDeveloper, contact me on
Be sure to visit my website:
Yours Sincerely,
Jack Leonard
Apps and GS Freebies at
Ya, I got rid of that a long time ago..... This is very old post.... Thanks for removing!
Thanks!, I'll go check it out
- Alex
I actually had one guy email me regarding my press release asking if I wanted to pay to giveaway some promo codes and I said well I already spent my money with prMac so would you consider doing a freebie. And his response was, "well I recommend you stop wasting your money with prMac its just an email blast and does nothing for your apps. You should go directly to sites like mine and spend your money"
I think anymore anything thats not a solid built relationships with a few well known writers is just a ton of people looking to profit off our hopes and dreams. After this last release of Penguin Glide i'm doing some serious rethinking of my entire marketing strategy. As basically every bit of it seems to have failed for the last two games we have released. There are a ton of vultures out there looking to make money off your hopes and truly offer nothing in return. the game has made major shifts over the last year and I guess its time to try to get ahead of it all.
Do you guys also send out emails and promo-codes to all the review sites too (even when using a sevice like prmac)?