2 questions

ExactlyGamingEGExactlyGamingEG Member Posts: 18
edited December 2011 in Working with GS (Mac)
1- my last app i made was running very very very slow in gamesalad during my update, my computer has plenty of memory and the game was only at 8.5 mb any reason for the slowness because my next app is going to be much more detailed and have a lot more to it
2- i want a cannon to turn and aim to wherever a person touches the screen, how would i create this/constrain this?


  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited December 2011
    want a cannon to turn and aim to wherever a person touches the screen, how would i create this/constrain this?

    (Position > is mouse position X - Position ^ is mouse position Y)

  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited December 2011
    Sod this stupid crappy forum software, I am tired of f*&&king fighting with it to just post basic responses to people, it really discourages a healthy community, 5 attempts to get a single crappy link to work, then your edit times runs out, then you are logged out for some reason, then you can't log back in for some other reason !!!!

    Ahhhh !!!!!!

    : S

    : )

    Here, cut and paste this (or click if it turns up as a link - hard to say on this forum): http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/6048/lookjt.png

    I am outta here ! I'll be back when and if GS decide to use something a little more professional for their forum or if I am in need of help, otherwise it's just a waste of time to send an hour fighting with a terrible forum platform when every single other forum I know of doesn't put up with this crap !

    : )

    : S

    : D
  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Member Posts: 647
    @tynan Ummm... No problems here.
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